Inauguration Ceremony of the Via dell’Amore

After 12 years, the Via dell’Amore, which connects Riomaggiore to Manarola in Liguria, is reopening. A breathtaking path suspended between land and sea.
StarChestnut curated every aspect and moment of the inauguration ceremony: a widespread event between two villages and the cliffside trail that unites them.

Press Conference
International Press Office Management
Setup of the villages of Manarola and Riomaggiore
Design and coordination of the inauguration ceremony
9-minute musical fireworks show
Gala dinner on the terrace of the Cinque Terre National Park

July 26, 2024

Project Title: Inaugaration of the Via dell’Amore
Year: 2024
Client: Regione Liguria, Ministero del Turismo Italian
Team: Mariachiara Rossi, Davide Jucker

Photo Credits: © STARCHESTNUT Communications and Event